Common Questions and Answers

FundraiserCart has zero startup/setup costs and zero risks.

If you are running an online store, we collect the money through online purchases and send you a check at the end of your fundraiser.

If Your fundraiser is in Colorado or New Mexico, you may also be doing brochure sales where you collect cash and checks directly from your customers. At the end of your fundraiser, we combine your online and brochure sales and either send you a check or bill you for the product you sold through the brochures. For example, if you sold more online than through in person brochures, we would owe you. However, you if sold more in person through brochures you would owe us. Either way, there is no risk to you as you never purchase products upfront and are only billed for what you actually sell.

The only acceptation to the rule is if you are using our In-Hand products. These are fundraisers were you physically take possession of items, for example candy bars, and sell them directly to your customers. However, again, there is virtually no risk, as you can return any unopened cases that you did not sell for a full refund.

Online and/or Brochure sales will earn your 40% profit off the retrial price. You will also receive 80% of all donations made from online and brochure sales. If you sell less than 200 items your profit is 30% off all product sales. However, it is very easy to sell at least 200 items and most groups quickly reach the 40% profit mark.

Your profit for In-hand sales is 45%

Your Profit for Fun Runs is 70%

We can get you up and running with as little as a week’s notice. Every situation is unique so yours could be set up sooner or take a little longer. It is best to reserve your dates as far out in advance as possible. Not only does this ensure we can provide the best service possible, but it also gives you time to promote and educate your participants about the upcoming fundraiser.

We have found that actively running and promoting your fundraiser for two weeks produces the best results. However, we generally live your online site live for an additional week to capture any last-minute sales.

We do our best to get you your check within two weeks from the close of your fundraiser. However, this timeline is only an estimate and can very on your unique situation, including how quickly you get us brochure order forms (if applicable).

You will have 30 days to pay from the time we invoice you. Remember, you will only owe us if you are doing a In-Hand fundraiser or if your brochure sales exceeded your online sales.

  • In-Hand items are invoiced at the time we ship them to you.
  • Brochure sales are invoiced after the fundraiser is complete.

Have more questions? Or, ready to get started! Contact us for a no-pressure conversation with our fundraising experts.